Thursday, June 11, 2015

Some Stuff I Hate

The last post I wrote was called "These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things."  It was fun, so I thought for this one, I would flip it, and give you a list of some stuff I hate.

So, without further ado...

I hate coffee. The smell, the taste... I can't stand any of it. If the aroma is especially strong, it sometimes makes me gag. Nothing like a good dry heave in Starbucks!

I despise the drop-off/pick-up line at my kids' schools. I refuse to drive into the parking lots at their schools, because the other parents (and the teenagers at the high school) drive like assholes. I park on the street and make the kids walk. I don't think it will kill them.

I deplore being lied to in any way. I really don't even like the little white lies people tell to try to spare someone's feelings.  I would rather you be brutally honest with me, instead of being fake.

I hate fake people.

Cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Barf.

I loathe judgmental people. I know, I know... we all judge sometimes.  But if you're hateful and holier-than-thou in your judging of others, I really don't like you. Wait. Does that make me judgmental?

My lack of self confidence.

People who don't know how to turn the clicking sound off on their iPhone, and then type a dissertation on their phone in a quiet waiting room. Like the lady sitting across from me right now.

I have an extreme dislike for folding cold laundry. Actually, I cannot
 fold laundry unless it's warm. I'll restart the dryer over and over and over again if I have to. OCD anyone?

Hmmm... I'm sure there's more stuff I hate, but that's all I can think of for now.  So tell me, what do you hate?