Sunday, May 24, 2015

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

(Did anyone else read the title in the singing voice of Julie Andrews?)

I stole the idea for this post from a funny lady who writes a blog called Never Fry Chicken When You're Naked. That's pretty good advice if you ask me. It's good advice even if you don't ask me.

Anywhooo... In no particular order, these are a few of my favorite things. 

Sleeping in on the weekend. Although, thanks to my minions, it rarely happens. But when it does, it's heavenly. 

Going to Target.... ALONE.  I get precious little time to myself. Shopping is pretty much it, and I don't even get to do that by myself very often.  So when I have the opportunity, I'll walk the aisles slowly and daydream about all the things I would buy for myself, if I wasn't buying 73 boxes of cereal and 194 boxes of granola bars. Tragic, I know. 

Reading a good book. 

Going to the fabric store. I'm still a beginner in the art of sewing, but I love walking through the fabric store. All the colors, patterns, and textures bring me so much joy. 

Listening to my kids laugh. And don't tell anyone, but I actually kinda like it when they're sarcastic little assholes to each other- as long as it's not mean spirited. 

Watching HGTV. My current addiction is Fixer Upper. Chip and Joanna Gaines make me want to move to Texas just to have them remodel a house for me. 

Hearing the flock of geese that fly over my house twice a day. 

My dogs- god they're dumber than a box of rocks! I love that they sleep on their backs with their bellies exposed to the world. Oh, and I love finding their tickle spots, and making their legs kick uncontrollably. 

I'm not really a breakfast person, but I do love a good omelette. I can't make them, which is fine, because breakfast always tastes better when someone else cooks it. Like at a restaurant. 

Road trips! There's just something about long car trips that appeals to me. Maybe it's the scenery. Maybe it's the silly car games. Maybe it's the snacks. Whatever it is, I wish we had time for more of them!

Genealogy. I started tracing my family tree after watching the very first episode of Who Do You Think You Are? and I became instantly hooked. It's the ultimate puzzle.  (Full disclosure, I got sidetracked for 3 hours today in the middle of this post, by an email from someone looking for help with their family tree...)

The smell of food being grilled. Unless it's coming from the neighbor's yard, because that's torturous. 

And finally, laughter. I love to laugh, even at myself. 

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